Birdnesting in Illinois
One fact that can be said about all people is that everyone is different. Even if you are from the same town, family, or religion, chances are you will react differently to the same thing. Because people are all so different, no two marriages are the same, and that goes for divorce, too. Some couples treat each other as enemies during their divorce and prefer to completely avoid each other whenever possible after it is finalized. Many divorced couples end up following common patterns, including a typical division of assets and shared custody plan. And other couples manage to live as partners even after their divorce. One interesting option for custody and living accommodations after divorce is known as birdnesting. This article will examine what birdnesting means, but if you are seriously considering it, speak with an experienced Cook County, IL family law attorney to find out more.
How Does Birdnesting Work?
Most people are familiar with the usual options for shared custody after a divorce: If one parent has primary custody, they might keep living in the family home with their child. The other parent might move to a smaller home nearby, and the child will sleep there on predetermined days.
Children whose parents share custody often feel like they are constantly on the move, endlessly packing up their things and bouncing back and forth between their parents. In addition to the emotional strain, logistical issues arise. If the child belongs to a sports team or a band, they have the added burden of needing to make sure they have all the equipment and gear they need on the correct days.
Birdnesting is an option that eliminates that stress. The child stays put, living in a permanent home, which is often the original family home. The parents are the ones to move in and out of the child’s home. They do not live in that house together but rather alternate which days they sleep there. This type of arrangement might seem more fair since it was the parent who decided to split up and not the child’s so they are the ones who should be forced to move. This might seem unusual but it is associated with far more stability for the child.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Chicago, IL Divorce lawyer
If you and your spouse are going through a divorce but you have children, speak with a qualified Cook County, IL divorce attorney to find out whether birdnesting might be a good option for you to pursue. Call The Law Office of George J. Skuros at 312-884-1222 to schedule a free consultation.