Factors the Judge Might Consider when Determining Custody
Every state uses a ‘best interest of child’ standard within custody cases that are disputed. It’s a rather amorphous standard, and a standard which lends itself to judges’ subjective thoughts concerning what is best for kids. Though, there will include some factors you can expect a judge to take into account.
Age of children
Even though the ‘tender years’ doctrine has been out of fashion officially, a few judges still think that younger kids should reside with their mothers, particularly if she has been the main caregiver.
Parent’s living situation
Occasionally, the parent who remains in the family house is given custody of the kids because it permits the kids continuity and stability in their day-to-day lives. At times, the parent who has custody is given the family home, for that same reason. If you’re crashing over your friend’s basement as you get back on your feet, do not expect to gain main custody of the children. If you want to spend a substantial quantity of time with the kids, ensure your home situation reflects this. The proximity of your house to your partner’s also may factor in to a judge’s decision. The more nearby you are, the more likely a judge is going to order a time-sharing plan which provides both parents substantial time with the children. The locality of their school, as well as sports and social activities also may matter.
If you need gaining custody of a child, contact us today at our Chicago child custody lawyer’s office at (312) 884-1222.
Parent’s willingness to support the other spouse’s relationship with kids
A judge will check out your record of cooperating—or not— with a partner regarding the parenting schedule. A judge also might want to know things such as whether you bad-mouth your partner in front of the children or, in any way, interfere with visitation. The more cooperative individual will have an edge within a custody dispute—and an individual who obviously is attempting to alienate a youngster from the additional parent is going to learn the hard way that the court doesn’t look kindly upon this kind of interference.
Kid’s preferences
If kids are old enough—typically, older than twelve—the judge might speak with them to figure out their preferences about visitation and custody. A judge additionally might learn about the youngster’s preferences from the custody evaluator.
Stability and Continuity
As it will come to kids, a judge is big on the status quo, due to most of them believing that piling up more change on top of an already traumatic divorce usually is not good for children. Therefore, if you are arguing that things are working out fine, you have a leg up on a partner who is arguing for a big change in the visitation or custody schedule which already is in place.
Neglect or Abuse
If there is evidence that either spouse has neglected or abused the kids, the judge will restrict that spouse’s contact with the kids.
If you need gaining custody of a child, contact us today at our Chicago joint custody lawyer’s office at (312) 884-1222 or fill out our easy contact form for a free consultation.
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